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What is the full form of PCS

PCS – Provincial Civil Service

PCS Full Form

The Full Form of PCS is Provincial Civil Service (PCS). It is a group of civil servants in the government of a province or state in India. It is responsible for the administration and implementation of government policies and programs at the provincial level.

To join the PCS, candidates must have a bachelor’s degree and meet the eligibility criteria set by the Public Service Commission of the respective province. They must also pass a competitive examination and an interview. After selection, PCS officers undergo training at a government institute before being posted to various departments within the provincial government.

PCS officers hold various positions, including administrators, clerks, and assistants, and are responsible for tasks such as the maintenance of records, the preparation of reports, and the handling of financial transactions. They play a vital role in the smooth functioning of the provincial government and the delivery of services to the citizens.

Here are some other PCS Full Form:

  • PCS – Personal Computer System
  • PCS – Public Communications System
  • PCS – Primary Care System
  • PCS – Private Communications System

More A to Z Full Form List

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