Home » CompTia A+ (Desktop Hardware) MCQ Questions with Answer

CompTia A+ (Desktop Hardware) MCQ Questions with Answer

In this CompTia A+ Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with Answer, you will find all the relevant topics of Computer hardware subject. These MCQs will help you to understand the functions of Desktop hardware. You will also know the steps to resolve the hardware problems. In these MCQs we have included Motherboard, Memory, HDD, Processor, BIOS, SMPS, Preventive Maintenance, Recovery Management and much more topics. These MCQs will help you to prepare for any exams, interviews, certification, quizzes, contest and online test. There are multiple sets of questions are available in this Computer hardware MCQ. These MCQs have 10 questions in each set. You will find the most relevant and accurate topics to enhance your Desktop Hardware knowledge. You should take all the quiz 1 by 1 to increase your skills or get better opportunities in your current IT role.

CompTia A+ MCQ Questions and Answers:

Below are the multiple choice questions for CompTIA A+ computer hardware, aimed at assessing your knowledge and understanding of the fundamental concepts and components of computer systems and peripherals.

Q1. Which of the following comes under internal hardware?

  1. CPU
  2. Keyboard
  3. Mouse
  4. Printer

1. CPU

Q2. What is the essential tool for computer techs?

  1. File
  2. Phillips-head screwdriver
  3. Pliers
  4. Flat-head screwdriver

2. Phillips-head screwdriver

Q3. What is the function of the address bus in the PC?

  1. The address bus enables the CPU to communicate with the chipset.
  2. The address bus enables the memory controller chip to communicate with the RAM.
  3. The address bus provides a channel for the flow of data and commands between the CPU and RAM.
  4. The address bus enables the CPU to access registers.

1. The address bus enables the CPU to communicate with the chipset.

Q4. What is the term for the delay in the RAM’s response to a request from the MCC?

  1. Variance
  2. MCC gap
  3. Latency
  4. Fetch interval
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3. Latency

Q5. The user Mike has downloaded files with his Web browser. Where will they be stored by default?

  1. C:\Downloads
  2. C:\Mike\Desktop\Downloads
  3. C:\Users\Mike\Downloads
  4. C:\Users\Mike\Desktop\Downloads

3. C:\Users\Mike\Downloads

Q6. After a sudden power outage, Samson’s PC rebooted, but nothing appeared on the screen. The PC just beeps at him, over and over and over. What’s most likely the problem?

  1. The power outage toasted his RAM.
  2. The power outage toasted his video card.
  3. The power outage toasted his hard drive.
  4. The power outage toasted his CPU.

1. The power outage toasted his RAM.

Q7. Solon has a very buggy computer that keeps locking up at odd moments and rebooting spontaneously. He suspects the motherboard. How should he test it?

  1. Check settings and verify good components.
  2. Verify good components and document all testing.
  3. Replace the motherboard first to see if the problems disappear.
  4. Check settings, verify good components, replace components, and document all testing.

4. Check settings, verify good components, replace components, and document all testing.

Q8. A PC’s power supply provides DC power in what standard configuration?

  1. Two primary voltage rails, 12 volts and 5 volts, and an auxiliary 3.3-volt connector
  2. Three primary voltage rails, one each for 12-volt, 5-volt, and 3.3- volt connectors
  3. One primary DC voltage rail for 12-volt, 5-volt, and 3.3-volt connectors
  4. One voltage rail with a 12-volt connector for the motherboard, a second voltage rail with a 12-volt connector for the CPU, and a third voltage rail for the 5-volt and 3.3-volt connectors

2. Three primary voltage rails, one each for 12-volt, 5-volt, and 3.3- volt connectors

Q9. Which standard supports magnetic SATA drives most efficiently?

  1. AHCI
  2. CMOS
  3. SATA-IO
  4. SATA 3.2


Q10. Which storage option in Windows 8 or later offers the best mix of resiliency and performance with two drives?

  1. Simple space
  2. Two-way mirror space
  3. Three-way mirror space
  4. Parity space
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2. Two-way mirror space

CompTia A+ MCQ Quiz and Online Test:

These CompTia A+ MCQ practice sets gives you the feeling of reality and a clue to the questions asked in the actual CompTia A+ related exams. When you solve these computer hardware MCQ questions practically, you come across many difficulties that give you an opportunity to improve.

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