Home » CISSP mcq questions with answer – Set 1

CISSP mcq questions with answer – Set 1

Important Instructions:

  • Total Number Of Questions : 10
  • Passing Marks : 7
  • Each Question Carry 1 Mark, No Negative Marking.
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  • Best Of Luck…



#1. Which of the following contains the primary goals and objectives of security?

#2. Vulnerabilities and risks are evaluated based on their threats against which of the following?

#3. Which of the following is a principle of the CIA Triad that means authorized subjects are granted timely and uninterrupted access to objects?

#4. Which of the following is not considered a violation of confidentiality?

#5. Which of the following is not true?

#6. STRIDE is often used in relation to assessing threats against applications or operating systems. Which of the following is not an element of STRIDE?

#7. If a security mechanism offers availability, then it offers a high level of assurance that authorized subjects can ___________ the data, objects, and resources.

#8. ____________ refers to keeping information confidential that is personally identifiable or which might cause harm, embarrassment, or disgrace to someone if revealed.

#9. All but which of the following items requires awareness for all individuals affected?

#10. What element of data categorization management can override all other forms of access control?

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