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Microsoft Powerpoint MCQ Questions with Answer

In this Microsoft PowerPoint Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ) with Answer, you will find all the relevant topics of MS PowerPoint subject. These MCQs will help you to prepare for any interviews, exams, certification, quiz & online test. There are multiple sets of questions are available in this Microsoft PowerPoint MCQ. These MCQs have 10 questions in each set. You will find the most relevant and accurate topics to enhance your PPT knowledge. You should take all the quiz 1 by 1 to increase your skills or get better opportunities in your current role.

Microsoft PowerPoint MCQ Questions and Answers:

Below are the multiple choice questions for Microsoft PowerPoint. These questions can help you learn more about PowerPoint and enhance your proficiency with the software.

Q1. What is the correct steps to start Microsoft PowerPoint application?

  1. Click on Start >> Programs >> All Programs >> Microsoft PowerPoint
  2. Hit Ctrl + R then type ppoint.exe and Enter
  3. Click Start >> Run then type powerpnt then press Enter
  4. All of above

3. Click Start >> Run then type powerpnt then press Enter

Q2. What is the difference between Slide Design and Auto Content Wizard?

  1. Both are same
  2. AutoContent Wizard is just the wizard version of Slide Design
  3. Slide Design does not provide sample content but Auto Content Wizard provides sample content too!
  4. Slide Design asks your choice in steps but Auto Content Wizard does not let you make choices

3. Slide Design does not provide sample content but Auto Content Wizard provides sample content too!

Q3. What is the steps to insert a hyperlink in a slide?

  1. Choose Insert >> Hyperlink
  2. Press Ctrl + K
  3. Hyperlinks can′t be inserted in slides
  4. Choose Insert >> Hyperlink and Press Ctrl + K

1. Choose Insert >> Hyperlink

Q4. Special effects used to introduce slides in a presentation are called?

  1. Effects
  2. Custom animations
  3. Transitions
  4. Present animations
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3. Transitions

Q5. What is the term used when a clip art image changes the direction of faces?

  1. Group
  2. Flip
  3. Rotate
  4. All of the above

3. Rotate

Q6. Which of the following tools enables you to add text to slides without using standard placeholders?

  1. Text tool box
  2. Line tool
  3. Drawing tool
  4. Auto shapes tool

1. Text tool box

Q7. Which of the following presentation elements can you modify using the slide master?

  1. Slide comments
  2. Slide transitions
  3. Speaker note font and color
  4. All of above

2. Slide transitions

Q8. What should you do to exit the Powerpoint application?

  1. Click the application minimize button
  2. Click the document close button
  3. Double click the application control menu icon
  4. Double click the document control menu icon

3. Double click the application control menu icon

Q9. How would you create the diagram in PowerPoint?

  1. Use auto shapes and the drawing toolbar to create the diagram and design it
  2. Open the diagram gallery from the drawing toolbar and choose the diagram type
  3. Use the chart command on the insert menu to import the diagram
  4. All of above

2. Open the diagram gallery from the drawing toolbar and choose the diagram type

Q10. Which command selects all objects at once while selecting multiple objects to be deleted?

  1. Alt + a
  2. Ctrl + a
  3. Shift + Enter
  4. Edit, Select All

4. Edit, Select All

MS PowerPoint MCQ Quiz and Online Test:

These MS PowerPoint MCQ practice sets gives you the feeling of reality and a clue to the questions asked in the actual Microsoft Excel related exams. When you solve these MCQ questions practically, you come across many difficulties that give you an opportunity to improve.

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